What Are Wrinkles, Its Causes Them and Treatment? Al Siraj Medical Center

Learn the causes of wrinkles and explore advanced treatments to reduce their appearance with experts from Al Siraj Medical Center.

What Are Wrinkles, Its Causes Them and Treatment? Al Siraj Medical Center

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What Are Wrinkles, How Causes Them and How To Treat Them? 

What Are Wrinkles?

Wrinkles are lines on your skin that typically appear with aging, but sometimes, they can appear early in life due to unhealthy practices (like smoking) or sun damage. Wrinkles will typically be found on the face, neck, and arms, but they can also appear anywhere on your body.

They aren't something you need to treat unless you want to improve your appearance.

The most common treatments for wrinkles are over-the-counter products, outpatient procedures, or surgical interventions that involve removing layers of the skin.

At What Age Do Wrinkles Usually Appear?

As you age, you'll notice fine lines appearing on your body. This can start as early as age 26. However, the age group with the highest propensity for developing wrinkles is between 40 and 60, and this skin condition becomes more noticeable after the age of 65.

Causes of Wrinkles

Let's first explain wrinkles using medical jargon. Wrinkles form due to slow skin cell production and a lack or decrease of collagen protein production.

But in this section, we'll shift our focus to the factors that reduce collagen protein production.


It's no surprise that as you get older, your skin becomes less elastic and more vulnerable. Wrinkles are part of the aging process. With aging, your skin cells divide more slowly, and the middle layer of your skin, known as the dermis (which contains elastin and collagen fibers that provide elasticity to the skin), becomes thinner. The decreased production of natural oils dries your skin and makes it appear more wrinkled.

Sun damage

Getting exposed to ultraviolet (UV) radiation too often can cause premature skin aging, also known as photoaging, because UV rays will break down the collagen and elastin fibers in your skin, resulting in wrinkles.


Unhealthy habits like smoking will accelerate the normal aging process of your skin. Healthy skin constantly regenerates and produces new collagen, but research shows that smoking causes a significant reduction in the production of new collagen.

Facial muscle contractions

It may sound cliché, but it's safe to say that movements and expressions like squinting or smiling can develop into fine lines and wrinkles. In fact, each time you use a facial muscle, a groove forms beneath the skin's surface, and as the skin ages, it loses its flexibility and can't spring back.

How To Diagnose Wrinkles?

By simply visualizing your skin, you can tell whether you have wrinkles, as they are quite noticeable. Therefore, you don't necessarily have to pay a visit to your dermatologist to diagnose wrinkles. Once you realize that you have wrinkles, you can then schedule an appointment with your skincare dermatologist.

What Are the Treatments For Wrinkles?

We hate to sound like a broken record, but we'll say this one more time: wrinkles are a by-product of the body's aging process, so they don't necessarily need to be treated. That said, the cosmetic industry has developed countless treatments to make wrinkles less noticeable.

Among the most famous and effective treatment options, you have:

  • Over-the-counter skincare products: This includes products that contain retinoids, antioxidants, and peptides. They can considerably help reduce the appearance of fine lines.
    Make sure to use ingredients like vitamin C, hyaluronic acid, and niacinamide (preferably prescribed by your healthcare provider).
    Daily use of sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or higher can also prevent further sun damage and help maintain smoother skin.
  • Laser skin resurfacing is another effective procedure for reducing facial wrinkles and skin issues caused by sun damage or acne.
  • A facelift is a surgical procedure that removes excess skin and fat from your face, tightening tissue layers to rejuvenate your skin.
  • Botox and fillers are also popular options.

Before and after wrinkle treatment

Side Effects and Complications of The Treatments

There are some minor potential side effects and complications that the treatment for wrinkles could cause, and they generally fade away a few days after the treatment. And here are some popular ones:

  • Allergic reactions to the injected substance or the medicine
  • Swelling and redness
  • Rare scarring
  • Pain or discomfort at the surgical site
  • Bruising.

If those side effects persist for a couple of days, you must consult with your healthcare provider.

Where to Treat Wrinkles in Qatar?

Now that we have established what wrinkles are, what causes them, and the treatments that make them less noticeable, we know what you're thinking: Where can I treat wrinkles in Doha, Qatar? Well, we're here to show you!

If you base your research on criteria like:

  • Comfort and modernity of the facilities
  • Quality of the machines and devices
  • Affordability of prices
  • Expertise and experience of the medical staff

If so, you should definitely consider wrinkle treatment at Al Siraj Medical Center. The process is a breeze—all you need to do is to fill the appointment form give us a call at +974 44493666.

We'll be excited to see you at our medical center! 🙌

Wrinkles FAQs

  • How to reduce facial wrinkles naturally?

Apply moisturizer to your skin regularly to keep it hydrated. Strictly avoid smoking and follow a balanced diet rich in fresh fruits and vegetables and low in processed foods.

  • How can I tighten my face wrinkles?

You can tighten your face wrinkles by using skincare products with retinoids and antioxidants, wearing sunscreen, and maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

  • What foods and drinks help reduce wrinkles?

Water and food that contains Vitamins A and C Protein (Avocados, broccoli, Nuts, fish, eggs, meats ..etc)

  • Does Vaseline remove wrinkles?

No, Vaseline won't do much to help erase deep-set wrinkles or brighten dark circles.