July 13, 2024

Zirconia Crown In Qatar: Your Ultimate Guide

Zirconia crowns are among the most common and permanent crowns. Through this article, we will provide you with all the basic information about this crown and tell you why Siraj Medical Center is the best place to perform it.

Zirconia Crown In Qatar: Your Ultimate Guide

Research different options to find the right pediatrician

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Check credentials and licensing

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Mauris commodo quis imperdiet massa tincidunt nunc pulvinar

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Look for experience in treating your child's age

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Consider location and availability

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Zirconia Crown In Qatar: Your Ultimate Guide

We've all witnessed it first hand – a tooth wearing down, cracking, or chipping. When you visit the dentist with such concerns, the first recommendation is often to cap it with a dental crown. Why, you may ask? Well, for the simple reason that it's a solution designed to preserve the size, strength, and appearance of your tooth.

And for those out of context, dental crowns can be made from various materials, including porcelain, Gold, and Zirconia.

Wait - What is Zirconia?

Zirconia is a dental crown specifically designed to cover severe decay and fractures in natural dental pieces.

Despite the array of available materials, in the last couple of years, most people have regarded Zirconia as their go-to dental crown material for their damaged teeth. It's safe to say that this preference is primarily attributed to the numerous confirmed benefits associated with Zirconia.

Zirconia is the newest material for dental restorative treatments. It's made from a zirconium oxide — And yeah, it's stronger than porcelain and some metal alloys. Even better, it causes less stress and damage on opposing pieces than their porcelain counterparts.

But let's talk numbers! According to the American Dental Association (ADA), 99% of dentists in the United States prefer to use this crystalline mineral for natural tooth restorations.

Still undecided about whether to use a Zirconia crown and where to get it here in Qatar? Keep reading to clear all the doubts!

In no particular order, we'll outline compelling reasons to choose the Zirconia crown and the benefits you get along the road.

Why should you get a Zirconia Crown?

Your teeth wearing down can happen for several reasons: tooth, injuries, natural aging, and the list goes on. It may sound a cliché, but grinding, chewing on tough objects, and crossbite can also lead your teeth to lose shape or even reduce size.

And this is where the Zirconia crown helps out! 

Your expert dentist will advise you to use a Zirconia dental crown for a couple of reasons, among them:

  • Addressing all the undesired oral problems.
  • Preventing a fragile tooth from potential fractures.
  • Concealing large fillings, dental implants, and root canals
  • Keeping a tooth together when it's in bad shape
  • Capping discolored teeth
  • Restoring a tooth that is either broken or worn down.
  • Improving your bite functionality.
  • Improving the aesthetics of your smile.

The most common types of Zirconia Crowns

When it comes to the types of Zirconia, dentists have a clear preference, and they always go for framework zirconia and full-contour zirconia for dental procedures. The reasons for this choice are crystal clear, as these options prove to be superior alternatives to using porcelain-metal composites and full-metal blends.

  • Framework Zirconia: Ideal for both anterior and posterior multi-unit bridges. Masking this versatile material with porcelain or glass can make it look almost like a natural tooth.
  • Full-contour zirconia is particularly well-suited for a monolithic restoration.

Benefits of getting a Zirconia Crown

Here comes the fun part! Now we have made a fair amount of effort in understanding what Zirconia crown is and why you should use it. Which brings us to our next question: What benefits can you derive from opting for a Zirconia crown?

A solid option

The selling point (Yeah, you're right, we brought this word straight from marketing 😅) of Zirconia is its strength; the Zirconia crown is powerful enough to uphold the force your back teeth exert when chewing food.

Zirconia is solid to the point where dentists won't have to do much work on your tooth before putting on the crown.

So, the choice should be clear by now: For the crowns at the back of your mouth, you better use a strong material like zirconia.

Can you find a more durable alternative?

As we pointed out earlier in the article, Zirconia-based crowns are very durable, and stats are here to back this up. According to the Research Gate, the 5-year cumulative survival rate of the zirconia crowns reached 95.9%. Yep, you heard that right!

So, if this isn't a cue about the durability and longevity of Zirconia, we genuinely don't know what is!


Even in terms of biocompatibility, No material beats Zirconia, and that's exactly why dentists like using it. Even better, the patient can rest assured that no bad reactions will occur. The only reported side effect was a minor negative impact on cells, as highlighted by Hospital Store.

Same-day procedure

Dentists can cement the Zirconia crown overnight, literally! Most dentists make zirconia crowns in their own offices, which will eliminate the tedious process of sending an impression of your tooth to a lab for a tailor-made crown.

Al Siraj Medical Center process uses computer-aided design/computer-aided manufacturing (CAD/CAM) technology to speed up this process. 

The dentist uses a dental milling machine to actually make the crown from a block of zirconia.

So, as a patient, you don't have to do multiple visits to get your zirconia crown if your dental clinic has in-house or offers zirconia crowns, like Al Siraj here in Qatar.

How Long Does a Zirconia Crown Last?

Dental crowns typically last around ten years with proper care. But of course, their longevity will be determined by your oral habits. For instance, if you clench your teeth during sleep, you might require a replacement sooner than someone who doesn't engage in this habit.

There are also other practices that can reduce the longevity of your zirconia crown, such as:

  • Using teeth to crack nuts or open bottle caps.
  • Consuming hard candies frequently.
  • Smoking or using tobacco products.
  • Engaging in contact sports without a mouthguard.

Get Zirconia Crown in Qatar

Got a damaged tooth and not sure where to find a zirconia dental crown here in Doha, Qatar? Well, good news - you've landed in the perfect place. Al Siraj Medical Center provides a full range of Dental services, including Zirconia Crown.

Our team of experienced and best-in-class dentists in Qatar is committed to helping you restore your damaged teeth – and you won't even break a sweat.

Oh, and while you're at it, Look no further, as you're just a click away from booking your appointment! And if you want to play it safe, just give us a call at +974 44493666

Zirconia FAQs

  • Which is better, porcelain or zirconia crown?

Zirconia is much stronger and more durable than other dental crowns. It is at least three times stronger than porcelain or PFM restorations.

  • Do zirconia teeth look natural?

Zirconia offers a perfectly natural appearance to patients, and it's very hard to tell the difference between the original teeth and the Zirconia crown.

  • What is the strongest crown?

The strongest crown available in the market as for now is Porcelain-fused-to-metal.

  • What is the downside of zirconia crowns?

The hardness of Zirconia can lead to increased wear on the teeth that come into contact with it.

  • What is the healthiest type of crown?

The healthiest type of crown is often considered to be the zirconia crown thanks to its biocompatibility, durability, and aesthetics.