Chemical Peeling

Where can chemical peel treatment be performed in Qatar?

You've had people in your entourage that have performed chemical peel treatment and the results on their skin were mind-blowing, and you'd like to have a similar experience. But wait, maybe we should start discussing what standards this healthcare provider should meet anyway.

  • Opt for a healthcare provider that communicates clearly and finds answers to your questions and concerns.
  • Choose a provider with expertise in performing chemical peels.
  • Check reviews and testimonials to measure the patient's satisfaction.
  • Make sure the provider maintains a sterile environment and conducts meticulous evaluations
  • Look for a provider who customizes the treatment based on your skin type and needs.
  • Inquire about the post-treatment instructions and maintenance sessions.

Guess what? Al Siraj Medical Center meets all the prerequisites, and you can safely book your appointment for a smooth chemical peel treatment.

Book your spot now! Or call us at +97444428991

The types of chemical peels

Light Peels:

During a light peel, mild acids are used to gently exfoliate the outer layer of the skin. This type of chemical peeling is more suitable for addressing minor imperfections in a short downtime.

Medium Peels:

The medium peel involves penetrating deeper into the skin, using stronger acids to target moderate skin concerns like wrinkles and pigmentation. It technically requires some downtime for recovery.

Deep Peels:

Deep peels will require potent acids to reach the deepest layers of the skin; they are intended for severe issues like deep wrinkles and extensive sun damage. Deep peels will take longer downtime and recovery periods. 

The step-by-step procedures to perform Chemical peel

Chemical peels are performed in-office; sometimes, the deep peels will require an outpatient surgical facility.

There are a couple of practices your dermatologist will be doing before the procedure like tying back your hair, cleaning your face and protecting your eyes with goggles.

Your dermatologist will also apply topical anesthetic to numb the treated area especially if the patient will perform deep peel, the patient will receive an IV and his heart will be monitored as well.

The doctor is also likely to use a regional anesthetic to numb the large areas like the neck and hands. 

Side effects of chemical peel

Like any other cosmetic treatment, the side effects of chemical peels are often temporary, such as redness, dryness, swelling, and burning.

It's worth noting also that Chemical peels can rarely cause severe complications, including permanent scarring, bacterial infections, darker skin, heart muscle, or kidney damage.

Benefits of chemical peel

Chemical peels will have plenty of benefits for the skin, here are some of them: 

  • Deeply cleanses the face and reveals an acne-free skin
  • Removes the outer layer and makes the pores appear smaller
  • Erases fine lines and wrinkles permanently
  • Fades discoloration and makes the skin confident and vibrant
  • Lifts the skin with no downtime
  • Reduces scarring, including acne scars
  • Makes a clear skin tone and texture
  • Offers effective results without the need for needles or surgery intervention
Chemical peel, before and after

Chemical peels are typically applied to treat multiple skin issues, including:

  1. Sun damage
  2. Fine lines and wrinkles
  3. Age spots or freckles
  4. Acne scars
  5. Hyperpigmentation or melasma
  6. Uneven skin tone or texture


Frequently Asked Questions

How often should you do a chemical peel at home?

The recommended frequency for performing chemical peels at home varies depending on factors such as the peel's potency, your skin type, and your skin's tolerance. Gentle acid peels can be applied every few days, whereas medium-strength peels are ideally applied every two weeks.

How long does a chemical peel last?

The effects of a light or superficial peel typically last for one to two months, while medium peel can last for up to six months.

How soon after a chemical peel can I use retinol?

Doctors advise their patients to avoid products such as retinol and glycolic acid ten days after the chemical peel procedures.

What days are the worst after a chemical peel?

The most challenging days after a chemical peeling and flaking are days three and four.

What to do before a chemical peel?

There are several instructions you should follow before undergoing a chemical peel treatment, and here are the most common ones: Avoid using retinol or retin-A topical medication for at least two days before the treatment.Inform your dermatologist about your medical history and the medications you take.Use a retinoid cream to avoid a darker skin.Refrain from using facial scrubs and exfoliants one week before the chemical peel treatment.

Can you see results after one peel?

Most patients can notice a considerable improvement in the appearance of their skin tone and texture after just as little as one chemical peel treatment.

How many hospital branches do you have?

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What experience do your doctors have?

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What medical specialities do you have?

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How many hospital branches do you have?

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur pellentesque in scelerisque fames at habitasse convallis dolor scelerisque dictumst vitae lorem massa quisque.

What medical specialities do you have?

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur pellentesque in scelerisque fames at habitasse convallis dolor scelerisque dictumst vitae lorem massa quisque.

How many hospital branches do you have?

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur pellentesque in scelerisque fames at habitasse convallis dolor scelerisque dictumst vitae lorem massa quisque.

What experience do your doctors have?

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur pellentesque in scelerisque fames at habitasse convallis dolor scelerisque dictumst vitae lorem massa quisque.

What medical specialities do you have?

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur pellentesque in scelerisque fames at habitasse convallis dolor scelerisque dictumst vitae lorem massa quisque.