Skin Tags Removal in Doha, Qatar

What are skin tags?

A skin tag, medically known as an acrochordon, is a small (ranging from 1mm to 1cm) benign growth that protrudes from the skin.

They are soft, flesh-colored, or slightly darker, and they can grow anywhere on the body, but they are usually found in areas where the skin folds, such as the neck, armpits, eyelids, anus, and thighs.

Skin tags are, in most cases, painless and harmless, but they can become irritated on some occasions (when they rub against clothing or any metal). They occur in approximately 1 in every 2 adults, especially due to aging, and for cosmetic reasons, some people prefer to remove them.

When should you worry about skin tags?

Skin tags typically do not exceed 5 millimeters in size, although occasionally, they may grow as large as 2 centimeters. In case you experience irritation or notice changes in the size, color, or shape of your skin tag, you must promptly consult your healthcare provider, ideally a dermatologist.

What causes skin tags?

Although the causes of skin tags aren't entirely clear, they often appear when skin rubs against the skin.

Skin tags are inevitable and can happen to anyone, but you're more prone to getting them if:

  • You suffer from obesity or have skin folds that rub together.
  • You experience hormone changes during pregnancy, stimulating skin tag growth.
  • You have type 2 diabetes, as insulin resistance is more likely to promote skin tag growth.
  • You are aging and gradually losing your skin's elasticity.
  • Genetics

What are the symptoms of skin tags?

As the definition mentions, skin tags typically do not cause pain or any alarming symptoms unless they rub against clothing or metals. In such cases, they may start bleeding and become sore.

Are skin tags and warts the same?

Contrary to benign skin lesions like warts, typically flat and caused by a viral infection, which appear as rough growths, skin tags are harmless, soft, benign growths that hang off the skin.

How can I remove skin tags?

While removing skin tags isn't obligatory, some individuals may find them irritating, uncomfortable, or situated in inconvenient areas. So, if a person decides to get rid of them, he should never consider removing them at home, as this can damage the skin and lead to excessive bleeding, scarring, or infection.

Therefore, if you decide to undergo a skin tag removal procedure, it's best to consult your dermatologist to minimize any potential risks or complications.

The skin tag removal procedure will include the following:

  • Cryotherapy: freezing skin tags using liquid nitrogen.
  • Excision: cutting skin tags off with surgical scissors, scalpel, or other cutting tools.
  • Ligation: using a suture wrapped around the neck of the skin tag to stop blood flow.
  • Hyfrecation: burning skin tags with electrical energy.

Skin tag removal with a dermatologist typically requires only one session, but your doctor may schedule follow-up appointments to make sure that the healing process is progressing well.

Dermatologists might also recommend adopting certain habits, such as losing weight, getting enough rest, and staying hydrated all the time. These practices will help minimize the chances of growing new skin tags in the future.

Skin tags, before and after

Skin tag removal in Qatar

Here comes the most complicated part: Where can you get skin tag removal in Qatar? Well, it's not really that complicated because Al Siraj Medical Center came to the rescue. 

With the cutting-edge techniques we offer, like cryotherapy, excision, ligation, and hyfrecation, our expert dermatologists at Al Siraj will ensure a quick and painless removal process for you. Gear up; our personalized care doesn't stop there! We'll be with you every step of the way by providing you with regular support and guidance throughout your healing journey. 

Want to get rid of these pesky skin tags? What are you waiting for? 🗓️ Book your appointment at the best dermatology spot in Qatar. 

or if you want, you can just give us a call at 📲 +97444428991, and we'll do all the heavy lifting ourselves.


Frequently Asked Questions

Do skin tags hurt?

Skin tags can be painful, sore, or irritated due to some injuries, such as if they catch on clothing or jewelry, but most skin tags are painless and don't cause any harm.

How do you stop skin tags from growing?

A person can adopt only a few practices to reduce the growth of potential skin tags. The main practice is to avoid any type of friction in the area where the tags tend to appear.

Do skin tags spread?

Contrary to warts, skin tags don't spread to other parts of the body or other people, even if there is direct contact. And even skin tag removal doesn't cause the development of new tags, either.

Do skin tags mean diabetes?

Having various skin tags may indicate that your blood contains too much insulin or type 2 diabetes.

How many hospital branches do you have?

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What experience do your doctors have?

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How many hospital branches do you have?

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What medical specialities do you have?

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How many hospital branches do you have?

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What experience do your doctors have?

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What medical specialities do you have?

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur pellentesque in scelerisque fames at habitasse convallis dolor scelerisque dictumst vitae lorem massa quisque.