Laser Hair Removal

Benefits of Laser Hair Removal Procedure

It shouldn’t be a shock to hear that laser hair removal has plenty of benefits, and here are the most common ones.


Chances are you waxed or shaved only to find that you’ve missed a strip. The end result? Repeating the procedure again, which can likely irritate your skin.With laser hair removal, the procedure is performed by a specialized dermatologist and is precise enough to target only the unwanted hair. It’ll leave your skin completely safe.

Quick time

Since lasers are very advanced and sophisticated, they can remove multiple hairs at once, and each zap will take approximately a fraction of a second. This means that if the area you want to make hairless is small, you can perform your procedure on a lunch break and get back to your workplace on time! No downtime is required.

Painless procedure

Contrary to outdated methods like waxing, which certainly comes with some degree of pain, laser hair removal is almost painless. The most you’ll feel is some discomfort, and nothing more. On top of that, dermatologists usually use a cooling gel, which will make the patients feel soothing.

Rare side effects

Side effects occur very, very rarely with laser hair removal, and a small percentage of people can suffer from burning. Apart from that, patients can experience a bit of redness that will disappear after a few hours (or even less if the patient applies aloe vera gel).

0% Ingrown hairs

The thing about laser technology is that it removes hairs at their follicles (the area where hair grows), which makes the likelihood of the hair regrowing 0%; yeah, you heard that right! Even better, this reduces the chances of skin irritation after the hair removal.

Thinner hair

Another great benefit of laser hair removal is that it will grow back thinner after each laser session you undergo. After a couple of sessions, you can even experience permanent hair loss in some parts of the body. So you’ll no longer need laser treatments in those parts, which will save you time and money in the long run.

Safer option

Applying a laser over your body can sound scary, and we totally get it. But much to your surprise, it’s safer than any other hair removal method.Laser technology has evolved and improved throughout the years, and dermatologists who use it are well-experienced and trained. Since it doesn’t involve chemicals, there is zero risk of allergic reactions.So, we can safely say that laser hair removal is very safe as long as it is performed in a reputable clinic like Al Siraj.

An overview of Laser treatment in Qatar:

For those out of context, lasers are taking the field of aesthetic Dermatology to a whole new level by treating various scars, from disfiguring birthmarks and age spots to facial and leg veins, and the focus now shifts to unwanted hair.

Laser treatment isn't just the best option to remove hair, but it's also the most reliable, healthy, and efficient method.

One of the turning points in hair removal technology Of special interest was the rollout of the Candela GentleMax Pro Plus laser, which will reduce session times and protect and cover all skin types and body areas. Even better! All procedures are performed without anesthesia. 

Recovery is rapid, and the patient returns to normal activities right away.

The best of all? Al Siraj Medical Center stands out as one of the few places in Qatar equipped with the Candela GentleMax Pro Plus laser for hair removal.

Are there any excuses left for not trying laser hair removal at Al Siraj? Book an appointment now and remove the unwanted hair. You're just a few clicks away! Or simply give us a call at +97444428991.

What are the procedures?

In a laser hair removal session, a laser targets individual hair follicles beneath the skin. The concentrated heat damages the follicles and prevents future potential hair growth. This procedure is particularly effective for individuals with light skin and dark hair.

And while laser hair removal effectively reduces hair growth, there's no such thing as an "overnight success story," and the hair won't be permanently removed; that's why attending multiple sessions is usually required for an extended hair-free period, and sometimes even the periodic maintenance treatments may be necessary.

Laser hair removal, before and after


Frequently Asked Questions

Can laser hair removal permanently remove hair?

Usually, hair removal lasts several months and even years, but that said, it doesn't guarantee permanent hair removal. When the hair grows after the laser treatment, it's often finer and lighter in color, and as we mentioned, you'll need periodic maintenance treatments.

Does laser remove 100% hair?

Laser hair removal doesn't assure 100% removal of all hair follicles. However, it guarantees considerable hair reduction, and as a matter of fact, most patients report a significant reduction in hair growth and quite durable results.

How long does laser hair last for?

Most patients remain hair-free for months or even years, and even when some removed hair regrows, it's less noticeable than before the laser treatment. So, to ensure the area is free of hair, the patient needs to attend laser treatment sessions more often.

Are there side effects of laser hair removal?

Yes, possible side effects of laser hair removal rarely happen and include temporary skin irritation, pigment changes, blistering, changes in hair texture, and, in rare cases, scarring. However, with the proper precautions and aftercare measures, patients can minimize these risks.

What happens if I stop abandoning hair removal after four sessions?

In case the laser treatment stops before all the hair follicles have been destroyed, some will continue to grow, and that's why patients should imperatively complete the recommended treatment sessions to achieve the desired results. In some cases, the patient will have thicker and darker hairs when they originally had light and fair hair.

What happens if I stop laser hair removal after 4 sessions?

If treatment is stopped before all of the hair follicles have been destroyed, some may continue to grow.

Can I wax between laser sessions?

You should not wax the area after any treatment or before the next one.

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What medical specialities do you have?

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