Excisional Biopsy

Excisional biopsy in Doha, Qatar

Wondering where to perform an Excisional Biopsy in Doha, Qatar? Al Siraj is your go-to spot, and it's not hard to see why. Our medical center ticks all the requirement boxes to undergo a successful and painless Excisional Biopsy:

  • Our dermatology team has it all: experience, expertise, and
  • Al Siraj Medical Center provides all the cutting-edge machines and devices for Excisional Biopsy.
  • Our facilities are very modern, built specifically to provide you with the necessary comfort.
  • After the surgery, our expert dermatologists will continue offering post-treatment consultancies to our patients.
  • Our prices at Al Siraj are amongst the most affordable in the Qatari market.

If this isn't a cue to book your appointment today at Al Siraj Medical Center, we need to know what is!

Your prefer the old way? Give us a call at 44428991 and lay it all out on us.

What potential risks does Excisional Biopsy have?

Generally speaking, the risks of an Excisional biopsy are relatively small. The biggest risks could be infections of the surrounding tissues, bleeding from the wound, or visible scarring of the tissues. If the tumor area is bigger than expected, the patient will need a further Excisional Biopsy.

How does an Excisional Biopsy procedure look like?

As we highlighted, Excisional Biopsy is an outpatient surgery. However, your health provider might prescribe some sedatives, so you better anticipate things and arrange your ride to and from your appointment. Here are other steps that the procedures could involve:


The medical staff will clean and disinfect the area around the lesion or the tumor.


You'll then receive numbing medication to the area where the biopsy will be performed. In some cases, general anesthesia may be used if the lesion is large or in a sensitive area.


The doctor will make a small cut around the perimeter of the lesion to make sure the entire tumor and affected area are extracted using surgical instruments such as scalpels or scissors.


Bleeding is then controlled using techniques such as cauterization, sutures, or pressure to maintain a clean surgical field.


The incision area is then closed using sutures, adhesive strips, or skin glue, depending on the size and location of the tumor, and then a sterile dressing is applied to the wound to protect it and accelerate the healing.

In some instances, doctors will use an ultrasound and X-ray to guide them throughout the procedure, and if the affected area is large, doctors may need stitches to close the incision after the tumor is removed.

What other types of biopsies are there?

There are various types of biopsies apart from the excisional and incisional ones. The type of biopsy the patient undergoes will eventually depend on the type of tumor or cancer suspected by doctors:

Needle biopsy

In this biopsy, specialized doctors use a thin needle to extract small pieces of a tumor. Doctors ask patients for this type of biopsy when they feel an unusual lump or bump on the body or through imaging tests.

Bone marrow biopsy

This biopsy is exactly what it sounds like. It involves extracting a small amount of bone marrow fluid, and doctors use a special biopsy needle and syringe for this. It's often conducted when blood cancers such as lymphoma or leukemia are suspected.

Punch biopsy

In this biopsy type, your healthcare provider will use a particular device to extract a small cylindrical tissue sample from the skin or other superficial areas. The surgery will involve punching a hole in your skin's surface.

Shave biopsy

Providers use a razor to shave off a superficial layer of tissue from the skin to detect skin cancer.

Endoscopic biopsy:

 As the name suggests, an endoscopic biopsy is done using a tube called an endoscope. This tube will have an attached camera and a tiny instrument to visualize and biopsy tissue with potential tumors from internal organs or cavities.

Brush biopsy: 

This biopsy technique consists of using a brush or similar instrument to remove a skin sample from the surface of a lesion. This type of biopsy is often used in areas such as the cervix for cervical cancer screening.

Image-Guided Biopsy

This technique uses imaging methods such as ultrasound, MRI, or CT scans to guide the biopsy needle precisely to the skin tissue.

What are the benefits of an Excisional Biopsy?

  • Excisional biopsies ensure the complete removal of suspicious tissue.
  • Excisional biopsies often eliminate the necessity for additional surgeries or biopsies.
  • Excisional biopsies minimize the risk of spreading cancerous cells or abnormal tissues during the procedure.
  • After a successful Excisional Biopsy, the skin may heal without significant scarring.
  • Excisional biopsies reduce the need for additional procedures to obtain further tissue samples

Excisional Biopsy before and after

Frequently Asked Questions

How painful is an excision biopsy?

After the anesthesia has taken effect, your procedure should be painless. It's typical to experience pulling or pressure at the surgical site during the procedure.

Which is better, excisional or incisional biopsy?

Excisional Biopsy is often the preferred method for doctors and patients in cases where melanoma is suspected.

What happens after an Excisional Biopsy?

Since the Excisional biopsy doesn't require extended downtime, eating and drinking normally afterward is usually possible, and the patient may return to work or normal activities within a few weeks.

How long does an Excisional Biopsy take?

The procedure lasts approximately 60 minutes, and an open surgical Excisional Biopsy is commonly conducted as an outpatient procedure.

What is the recovery time for an excision biopsy?

The recovery time for an excision biopsy will depend on factors like the size and location of the biopsy site, the patient's overall health, and the unexpected complications that may happen.

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What experience do your doctors have?

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What medical specialities do you have?

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How many hospital branches do you have?

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What medical specialities do you have?

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How many hospital branches do you have?

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur pellentesque in scelerisque fames at habitasse convallis dolor scelerisque dictumst vitae lorem massa quisque.

What experience do your doctors have?

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur pellentesque in scelerisque fames at habitasse convallis dolor scelerisque dictumst vitae lorem massa quisque.

What medical specialities do you have?

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur pellentesque in scelerisque fames at habitasse convallis dolor scelerisque dictumst vitae lorem massa quisque.