Dental Crown

Dental Crowns in Doha, Qatar 

What is a Dental Crown?

A dental crown is a custom-made, tooth-shaped cap that's placed over a damaged, decayed, or weakened tooth to repair its shape, size, strength, and appearance. Dental Crowns are made from plenty of materials, like resin, metal, and porcelain.

What Dental Crowns are used for?

Crowns are commonly used in dentistry to solve plenty of dental problems, including:

  • Solidify the weak teeth.
  • Support and hold a dental bridge in position.
  • Serves as a protection and support to cracked teeth.
  • Conceal a dental implant.
  • Renew a worn-down or broken tooth.
  • Cover a tooth that has undergone root canal treatment.
  • Cover the discolored tooth.

Types of Dental Crowns

There are multiple types of dental crowns out there, and you can choose the one that you want based on your personal preference as well as your oral health condition.

Metal crowns: 

Dentists can use different metals like nickel, chromium, and gold and that’s why the metal crowns are strong and durable, and they are typically used for back teeth.

Porcelain-fused-to-metal (PFM) crowns

PFM crowns are strong and durable like metal and aesthetically appealing, they are typically used for front and back teeth.

Pressed ceramic crowns

This type is very similar to porcelain crowns with the only exception of the use of ceramic instead of metal, but still offers excellent aesthetics and natural appearance. Pressed ceramic crowns are usually used for front teeth.

All-ceramic or porcelain crowns

Also known as Zirconia crowns, it’s ideal for those who have metal allergies. Made entirely from ceramic material, all ceramic crowns are strong enough to support heavier forces than the other types of ceramic crowns. ideal for front teeth.

All-resin crowns

Made from composite resin material, All-resin crowns are a very affordable option with satisfactory aesthetics, however, they are a temporary and less durable option, and last between 3 to 5 years.

Same-day dental crowns

This type is created with 3D computer-aided design (CAD), and as its name suggests, your crown will be ready in just one office visit without the need for multiple appointments. Your dentist will take a digital dental impression of your damaged tooth, and then use those impressions to design a custom crown with a milling machine.

Benefits of Dental Crowns

  • Dental crowns help restore the shape, size, and function of damaged or decayed teeth.
  • Provide a protective covering for weakened or cracked teeth, and reduces the risk of potential fracture.
  • A durable and long-lasting option that lasts between 5 to 15 years.
  • Improves the appearance of teeth by covering discoloration or misalignment.
  • Relieves dental pain and discomfort.
  • Prevents the need for tooth extraction.

Dental crowns, before and after

Dental Crown procedures

Dental crown placement will often require two appointments and here are the steps conducted during each visit:

First appointment

Get your tooth ready

During the first visit, your dentist must prepare your teeth, and for that, he/she should first remove part of your natural enamel to ensure the new crown will have enough space and will remain in place after bonding.

Take dental impressions:

After that, your dentist will take impressions of your teeth, they can be either physical (using a putty-like material) or digital (using a scanner) to then send them to a dental lab to create a customized dental to match your tooth.

Placing a temporary crown

Your new crown will take the dental lab a couple of weeks to prepare. Therefore, your dentist will place a temporary crown made of resin or acrylic, until your custom-made one is ready.

Second appointment

When the lab completes your new crown and hands it to the dentist, he/she will remove the temporary crown and then double-check your new one to ensure the shape and color match your teeth. Eventually, the dentist will bond this new crown with strong dental cement.

Post-treatment instructions

If you want your dental crown to stay in good condition and last the maximum amount of time, make sure to:

  • Brush your teeth 3 times a day on average.
  • Make sure to floss between your teeth at least once a day.
  • Avoid consuming extremely hard, crunchy, or chewy foods.
  • Employ an antibacterial mouthwash to effectively control dental plaque.
  • Avoid grinding or clenching your teeth.
  • Make sure to maintain regular dental visits for cleanings and exams.

Where to perform Dental Crown in Doha, Qatar?

If you’re looking for a dental clinic to perform dental crowns in Doha, Qatar, look no further than Al Siraj. We have it all:

  • Expertise and experience.
  • State-of-the-art machines.
  • Comfortable facilities and equipment.
  • Affordable costs.

What are you waiting for? Book your appointment now! Or call us at +974 44493666

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الاسئلة الشائعة

الأسئلة الأكثر شيوعاً

How long does a tooth crown last?

Dental crowns can last between five and 15 years with proper care.

Is it painful to get a crown?

Dental crowns can last between five and 15 years with proper care.

Can I eat after the crown?

The numbing effects of the anesthesia will usually last for about four hours, during which time it's recommended to avoid eating or chewing. After that, you can resume eating, drinking, and cleaning your teeth as usual.

Can I brush my teeth after a permanent crown?

Absolutely! It's extremely important to maintain a consistent brushing routine and floss diligently to ensure proper oral hygiene.

Is it difficult to remove a crown?

Removing a crown depends on various factors such as its duration in place, the condition of the underlying tooth, and the type of cement used. Generally speaking, removing a crown (especially porcelain) involves damaging it, and therefore the patient will require a replacement crown.

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What experience do your doctors have?

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What medical specialities do you have?

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