Periodontal Treatment

Periodontal Treatment in Qatar, All You Need To Know

What is periodontal disease?

Periodontal disease, often referred to as gum disease, is a common inflammation that affects the tissues that surround and support the teeth. It’s caused primarily by bacteria found in plaque, which forms on teeth daily and often hardens into tartar.

Some individuals are more likely to develop this infection than others, even if they maintain good oral hygiene by brushing and flossing their teeth.

The most common symptoms of periodontal disease are bad breath, bleeding, loose teeth, and swollen gums.


Is periodontal a contagious disease?

Absolutely, periodontal disease is contagious because the bacteria that cause this disease can spread from person to person. It’s true that it doesn’t pass through brief contact, but rather spreads to others through saliva, such as drinking from the same cup or bottle, kissing, or sharing objects with the affected person.

Periodontal disease, risks, and complications

Periodontal disease doesn’t stop and will continue to cause chaos in your oral health until you receive the necessary treatment. In fact, this gum disease can even lead to other infections that eventually result in tooth loss.

Not only that! Recent research has shown that periodontal disease is dangerous enough to impact your health and well-being as a whole. In fact, there is a correlation between this disease and serious health problems, including diabetes, heart disease, and cancer.

Periodontal treatment process

Can you permanently cure periodontal disease?

The short answer is no. You can’t cure periodontal disease simply because it’s impossible to rebuild the structural support around your teeth, and as we mentioned earlier in this page, genetics has a lot to do with gum disease, and some individuals are more likely to catch this disease than others.

Now that you hear that periodontal disease isn’t curable, you might feel a little intimidated. Don’t worry! This dental condition is still manageable. In fact, the periodontal treatment will minimize infection and help to some degree get back your bone and tissue.

There is a stage of gum disease known as gingivitis, which represents the earliest form of periodontal disease and can be entirely reversible if the dentists manage to diagnose it early. You can cure it with proper oral hygiene and consistent dental cleaning.

What treatment for Periodontal disease?

The periodontal disease treatment is conducted by either a dentist or a periodontist. For those who don’t know, a periodontist is a dentist whose specialty is gum disease. A dental hygienist can also get involved alongside your dentist as part of the treatment plan.

The periodontal treatment aims to stop the damage affecting the gum tissue and bone and to meticulously clean the pockets around your teeth.

However, treating gum diseases will require more effort than that. You also have to maintain a healthy routine, such as regular teeth brushing and flossing, and quitting tobacco and alcohol. 

There are two types of treatments that the patient can receive, the surgical treatment and the nonsurgical one. Let’s explore each one of them in depth:

Periodontal before and after treatment

Nonsurgical treatments

In case your gum disease is in its first stages, the treatment may not entail surgical intervention, and your dentist might use methods like:

  • Scaling: 

Scaling can effectively remove tartar and bacteria from the surface of the teeth and below the gumline. This procedure is often performed using a laser or ultrasonic device.

  • Root planing: 

Root planing involves smoothing the surfaces of the roots, to help prevent the accumulation of additional tartar and bacteria, it also allows the reattachment of your gums to your teeth.

  • Antibiotics: 

Using either topical or oral antibiotics will significantly control bacterial infection. Topical antibiotics may involve mouth rinses or gel application into gum pockets. In some cases, oral antibiotics may also be prescribed to eradicate the bacteria causing the infection.

Surgical treatments

If your periodontitis is relatively advanced, dental surgery may be your only option. Here are the common types of surgeries for this condition:

  • Flap surgery: 

During the flap surgery (also referred to as pocket reduction surgery) The periodontist creates an incision in your gum line to temporarily fold back the tissue, and reach the roots of your tooth to meticulously clean them out. Since gum disease can lead to bone loss, your periodontist will reshape your bone before the gum tissue is stitched back. This makes the cleaning process of the affected area much easier after healing.

  • Dental bone grafting:

If you’re suffering from multiple bone loss, in this case, your dentist will likely recommend a bone graft. This procedure, as the name suggests, includes placing bone-grafting material where the bone tissue was lost. 

The objective here is to minimize any chance of future tooth loss. The used material can either be a donated bone, your own bone, or simply a synthetic material.

  • Gum grafts: 

Given that periodontitis can cause severe conditions such as gum recession (when your tissue pulls away from your teeth), periodontists often perform a procedure called a gum graft to replace the lost tissue. 

They typically place the tissue graft (using your own gum tissue or obtaining it from licensed providers) around the damaged tooth and affix it there.

  • Guided tissue regeneration: 

During the guided tissue regeneration procedure, your dentist will put a biocompatible membrane between your tooth and the existing bone to prevent the growth of undesired tissue into the damaged area while stimulating bone growth.

  • Platelet-rich plasma PRP: 

Platelet-rich plasma (PRP): PRP is another great option for people who have experienced bone or gum tissue loss and want to regenerate this tissue.

During the procedure, your dentist will take a sample of your blood, spin it in a centrifuge to separate the plasma from the red and white blood cells, and then finally apply the PRP to the affected areas to stimulate bone regeneration.

  • Tissue-stimulating proteins: 

The last approach consists of spreading a special gel to the affected tooth root, in order to encourage the regeneration of the damaged gum tissue and bone.

Where to get periodontal treatment in Qatar?

Our expert and experienced dentists at Al Siraj Medical Center have a long history of gum treatment and are very happy to help you treat this challenging condition.

You simply need to book your appointment by clicking here, or give us a call at +974 44493666 and our team will do the rest.

After meeting with our expert dentists, they will discuss and examine your condition, they will then customize a treatment plan tailored to your gum condition and initiate hands-on treatment.

What are you waiting for? You’re just a click away from periodontal treatment.

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How do dentists treat periodontitis?

Periodontitis treatment may entail undergoing extensive dental cleaning procedures or, in extreme cases, surgical intervention, however, consistent oral hygiene practices such as regular brushing and flossing of teeth can serve as preventive measures against periodontitis.

Can I live a normal life with periodontitis?

Periodontitis treatment may entail undergoing extensive dental cleaning procedures or, in extreme cases, surgical intervention, however, consistent oral hygiene practices such as regular brushing and flossing of teeth can serve as preventive measures against periodontitis.

Is periodontitis serious?

Yes, periodontitis is a serious and advanced stage of gum disease, it can lead to significant damage to the gums, bone, and ultimately teeth loss.

Can gums grow back?

Once the gums are pulled back from your teeth, they won't grow back on their own.

What is the strongest natural antibiotic for gum infection?

Clove oil, turmeric, tea tree oil, coconut oil pulling, and garlic are some of the most potent natural remedies and antibiotics for gum infections, as they possess antimicrobial properties.

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What experience do your doctors have?

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What medical specialities do you have?

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