Dental Fillings

Dental Fillings in Qatar, What You Should Know?

What are dental fillings?

Dental fillings are a widespread dental treatment that’s used to repair teeth damage caused by decay or cavities. Fillings are mainly used to fill in the area left behind after the dentist has removed the decayed tooth.

Not only that! Dental fillings can also be used to repair teeth that are cracked, worn down, or damaged due to trauma.

Fillings can be made from various materials, like silver, gold, porcelain ….etc each type of filling has its own characteristics.

Types of dental fillings

There is a wide range of available fillings, but we’ll focus on the most common ones, which include:

Silver Amalgam Fillings

This type of filling is made from a mixture of metals including silver, mercury, tin, and copper. It’s often durable and less expensive, however, they are very apparent due to their silver color.

Porcelain Fillings

This type is custom-made, it’s fabricated in a dental laboratory and then bonded to the tooth. Porcelain fillings are highly aesthetic and durable, they are ideal and suitable for larger cavities or for repairing damaged teeth.

Gold Fillings

Made essentially of gold alloy, these golden fillings are highly durable and resistant to wear. They are naturally more expensive than other types of fillings and they typically require multiple visits to the dentist for placement.

Composite Resin Fillings

You might also hear these referred to as tooth-colored fillings. They're made of a mixture of plastic and fine glass materials. They can look very similar to your natural teeth, which is why dentists often use them for visible teeth. However, they may not be as long-lasting as other options like amalgam or gold.

Benefits of dental filling

Dental fillings can offer countless benefits to your teeth. Here are some of the most common ones:

  1. Restore and preserve tooth structure.
  2. Prevent and stop tooth decay.
  3. Offer a durable and long-lasting solution for patients.
  4. Prevent stains and discoloration of your teeth.
  5. Improve oral function.
  6. They are considered a safe and painless dental procedure.

Dental Filling, before and after

What are the potential dental filling complications?

While these complications are rare, patients should be well-informed about the potential risks associated with dental fillings, such as:

  • Sensitivity and discomfort in the treated tooth when consuming hot or cold foods.
  • Nerve damage within the tooth.
  • The possibility of infection and inflammation around the filling site.
  • Itching and rashes caused by the filling material (to which some patients may be allergic).

Procedure of Dental Filling

Dentist diagnosis

The dentist will diagnose the tooth to determine the size and location of the cavity. After that, the dentist will clean the tooth and apply the local anesthetic to numb the surrounding area and prevent pain.

Placing the dental Filling Material

After that, the dentist will place the right filling material into the decayed tooth and adjust it properly to fit the space. The filling material will be determined based on factors like aesthetic preferences, durability, cost, and patient preference.

Hardening the Filling

In this phase, the dentist will use a material to harden the filling. This material will be based on the type applied to the tooth, so if it’s composite resin, the dentist will use a special light. On the other hand, if it’s gold or silver, the dentist will place a temporary filling that will be removed once the metal has hardened.

Finishing and Polishing

To wrap up the procedure, the dentist will shape and adjust the dental filling to make sure the patient can comfortably bite. The dentist will also polish the filling to have a smooth finish.

Finally, the dentist will give the patient a list of aftercare guidelines.

Dental filling aftercare

If you thought that dental filling was a one-time fix, gear up! It’ll take a little more work to maintain your feelings. So here are some recommended practices:

  • Brush your teeth every day
  • Floss your teeth regularly
  • Minimize your sugary food consumption
  • Avoid consuming chewy and hard food.
  • Maintain a consistent dental checkup
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Is a dental filling painful?

Dental fillings are not usually painful, although some discomfort may occur at various stages of the procedure. This is because dentists apply highly effective numbing agents and anesthetics.

How long do dental fillings last?

Dental fillings are not usually painful, although some discomfort may occur at various stages of the procedure. This is because dentists apply highly effective numbing agents and anesthetics.

Can I eat after a filling?

Generally speaking, it’s okay to eat or drink right after the procedure, however, your dentist might recommend that you wait at least two hours before eating due to the remaining effect of the anesthetic.

Can I brush my teeth after filling?

Absolutely, you can brush your teeth right after a filling procedure, as long as you brush gently and floss carefully around the tooth.

What foods to avoid after a filling?

After undergoing a dental filling you should avoid hard and sticky foods like: chewing gum, Caramel, fibrous meat, and chewy candies.

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