Root Canal

Root Canal Treatment in Doha, Qatar

What is a root canal?

A root canal is a dental procedure that treats infection or damage in the tooth pulp.

Forgive us the jargon, but the pulp, in simple terms, is the soft tissue inside the teeth that contains nerves, blood vessels, and connective tissue.

When your pulp gets infected due to cavities and cracks, the root canal is the best option to save the tooth.

Who needs a root canal treatment?

Root canal procedures are often recommended for patients when the bacteria present in the mouth infects the pulp of a tooth, and this often happens if you suffer from a deep cavity or cracked tooth.

There are also other scenarios where a root canal may be necessary:

  1. Abscess
  2. Severe toothache
  3. Deep decay
  4. Repeated dental procedures
  5. Sensitivity to hot or cold

Advantages and disadvantages of root canal

As we said, a root canal is often a great option to save the tooth from extraction. But we've decided to go the extra mile to help patients weigh out the advantages and disadvantages of Root canals and decide whether it's worth it or not.


Maintains the original tooth

Root canal saves the tooth in its original form. Dentists will only remove the inflamed pulp tissue, clean out the root canal and put in the filling material. This way, the patients won't experience bone loss in the future as the tooth's root can still stimulate the bone.

Eliminates patients' toothaches

When the pulp is inflamed, the toothache becomes unbearable, and it's not hard to see why. Patients will have a tough time doing their daily activities. Root canal to the rescue! This treatment will clean out the infected pulp, and the inflamed area can still be treated with prescribed antibiotics.

Ensures proper tooth alignment

If the patient opts for extracting their tooth instead of performing root canals, they are more likely to have spaces between teeth. This can make it very difficult to eat properly. And that's exactly what root canals prevent, so patients won't have to worry about teeth alignment.

Root canal, before and after treatment


The tooth can become weak

Root canal can cause the tooth to become weaker, and this is because dentists have to drill into the tooth to reach the pulp. Sometimes, they have to remove even more decay, and if the tooth becomes too vulnerable, the dentists will put a crown on it to strengthen it so the patient can use it naturally.

The root canal isn't always a one-time fix

Sometimes the root canal will require only one session and everything's done, however, some in cases where the tooth condition is severe, patients will have to undergo two or three sessions to get the root canals.

Root canal side effects and complications

Root canals aren't a one-shoe-fits-all solution, and it's safe to say that they also fail sometimes because it wasn't the right solution for your tooth infection in the first place.

Your tooth might be severely damaged, and a root canal can do anything about it.

In some rare cases, the surrounding nerves around the inflamed tooth can be disrupted by the root canal itself, and this can lead to partial numbness in that area. However, it's not something dangerous, as this usually fades after a couple of weeks.

One of the other potential side effects of root canals be the patients' allergy to anesthesia, and the best way to prevent this is to inform your dentist before starting the procedure.

Root canals procedures

Dentist diagnosis

The first step of the procedure should be the examination, where the dentist diagnoses the tooth and takes X-rays to measure the extent of its damage or infection. This diagnosis will determine whether the patient needs a root canal or not.

Applying anesthesia

Before starting the procedure, the dentist will first administer local anesthesia to numb the area around the affected tooth, to make sure that you don't feel any pain during the root canal.

Cleaning the roots and pulp

After that, the dentist will start drilling until he/she reaches the root canals and pulp chamber. Then he/she cleans and disinfects the pulp chamber and canals with special instruments and antibacterial solutions. Not only does this eradicate bacteria, but also heals the tooth infection.

Shaping the canals

Next, the dentist has to put the filling in the root canals, and for that he/she will start shaping the canals using special tiny instruments, and thus the canals can be filled with the material.

Filling the canals

The dentist is ready to fill the canals now and to do that; he/she will need a rubber-like material called gutta-percha. This material will be placed inside the canals and then heated.

The dentist will start compressing to fit against the walls and will also add adhesive cement to seal the canals further to prevent bacteria.

Then, the dentist will close the hole made previously to access the canals and prevent bacteria from accessing the tooth.

Antibiotics prescription

The dentist may prescribe some antibiotics to treat the remaining infection fully. It's totally fine to feel some discomfort post-procedure that will end up disappearing after a few days.

The patient will have to follow certain post-care instructions as well.

Placing the crown

In the last step, the dentist will place the crown around the treated tooth to make sure it's strong enough to chew and bite again.

The crown is custom-ordered to perfectly match your existing teeth.

What to do after a root canal

Here are the most common instructions dentists tend to give to their patients:

  • Take prescribed medications
  • Be cautious when biting, brushing, and chewing around the treated area.
  • Avoid drinking (hot or cold liquids), smoking, or chewing just after the procedure.
  • Report any unusual symptoms after the root canal.
  • Maintain regular dental visits.

Are you looking for Root Canal treatment in Qatar? 

Al Siraj Medical Center is a well-established healthcare provider here in Qatar that offers a wide range of dental services including Root Canal treatment. We are fully aware of the complexity and risks associated with this procedure. At Al Siraj, we prioritize the well-being of our patients, which is why we have equipped our facility with the latest machines and modern techniques to ensure a seamless procedure.

Al Siraj also has the best dentists in the Qatari market for root canal treatment. So by now one thing is clear. Your first step to stop swelling and toothache is by booking your appointment with us

The option of giving us a call is also possible, just call us at +974 44493666. Excited to hear from you!  

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How long do root canals last?

While the majority of root canals usually last for a minimum of 5 years, most of them can function for up to 10 or 15 years.

How much is a root canal in Qatar?

While the majority of root canals usually last for a minimum of 5 years, most of them can function for up to 10 or 15 years.

Is there an alternative to a root canal?

Absolutely, there are other alternative procedures to root canals, including direct pulp capping, pulpotomy, and extractions.

What happens if I don't get a root canal?

When a root canal is left untreated, it can lead to bone loss and severe infection and potentially cause a severe abscess.

Is a root canal painful?

With the modern techniques and local anesthesia applied before the procedure, the majority of patients find root canal treatments painless and very smooth.

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