Tooth Scaling and Root Planing

Where to Perform Tooth Scaling and Root Planing in Qatar? 

What are tooth scaling and root planing?

Scaling and root planing are dental procedures known as deep cleaning in the dentistry sector. They are performed by dental hygienists or dentists to remove tartar, address gum disease, and ultimately improve oral health.

But let’s explore the role of each treatment here:

Tooth Scaling involves the removal of plaque and tartar from the tooth surfaces, both above and below the gumline. Scaling is often performed using special dental instruments, such as ultrasonic scalers or hand scalers.

On the other hand, Root planing entails a deeper cleaning procedure that focuses on the roots of the teeth and the surfaces of the tooth roots that are exposed when the gums have receded due to gum disease.

Who is the candidate for tooth scaling and root planing?

Periodontal disease is very widespread around the world. And just to give you an idea of that extent, Nearly 3 in 4 adults over 65 suffer from this disease. Yes, you heard that right! 

Here are some alarming factors that may indicate a need for these procedures:

  1. Presence of Gum Disease such as swollen, tender, or bleeding gums or persistent bad breath.
  2. Plaque and Tartar Buildup on the teeth, especially in areas that are difficult to reach with regular brushing and flossing.
  3. The formation of periodontal pockets, which are spaces between the teeth and gums where bacteria can accumulate.
  4. Gum Recession which will expose the roots of the teeth and make them more likely to plaque and tartar buildup.
  5. Early signs of gum disease that require performing Scaling and root planing as a preventive measure

The benefits of tooth scaling and root planing

Tooth scaling and root planing come with plenty of benefits and here are the most common ones:

  • Removes bacteria in the early stages of periodontal disease.
  • Prevents gum disease development
  • Prevents tooth loss
  • Cleans and reduces periodontal pockets
  • Smooths the root surface
  • Promotes better oral hygiene

Tooth scaling and root planing, before and after

The potential risks and side effects of tooth scaling and root planing

It’s totally safe to say that tooth scaling and root planing is a risk-free procedure, we can even go a step further and say that not performing this procedure will have significant risks including tooth loss and bone infection. That said, here are some minor risks that tooth scaling and root planing can have on patients:

  • Temporary sensitivity to hot and cold food.
  • Allergy to anesthesia and some medication.
  • Bleeding, pain, and swelling following the procedure
  • Temporary teeth pain.

Bear in mind that these risks will only last for a few days after the procedure

Tooth scaling and root planing procedures

Your dentist will first conduct teeth scaling. As we explained, this procedure involves scraping the plaque from your teeth and addressing any large pockets that have formed between your teeth and gums.

After scaling, your dentist will proceed with root planing. They will use a scaling tool to smooth the tooth roots, allowing your gums to reattach to your teeth. Depending on the condition of your teeth and the severity of your gum problem, the dental professional might recommend additional treatment. This may include the use of antimicrobial agents in your mouth or prescribing oral antibiotics for you to take for several days to speed up the healing process.

The tools used to perform tooth scaling and root planing are typically traditional, such as a scaler and a curette. However, dentists may also resort to modern instruments such as lasers and ultrasonic devices.

Aftercare instructions

Aftercare instructions

To ensure that the potential risks associated with the tooth scaling and root planing procedure don’t worsen and lead to an infection, follow these post-treatment instructions:

  • Take the medications (pills or mouth rinse) prescribed by your dentist.
  • Schedule regular check-ups with your dentist to monitor the healing process of your gums.
  • Maintain strict oral hygiene.
  • Brush and floss your teeth twice a day.
  • Avoid consuming tobacco and alcohol.

Where to undergo tooth scaling and root planing in Doha, Qatar?

If you are suffering from gum disease, you need to perform tooth scaling and root planing but not sure where to find it here in Qatar. You’ve landed in the perfect place! Al Siraj Medical Center dentistry staff will help you get rid of all of those gum problems you are struggling with. 

Want to know more? Schedule an appointment with our expert dentists by clicking here, or simply drop us a line at +974 44493666

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Is scaling and root planing painful?

Absolutely not. The procedure is painless, and the only discomfort you will experience will be after the procedure, as it involves the administration of a local anesthetic to the soft tissue.

How long does it take to recover from scaling and root planing?

Absolutely not. The procedure is painless, and the only discomfort you will experience will be after the procedure, as it involves the administration of a local anesthetic to the soft tissue.

How many times do you need scaling and root planing?

The answer will depend on the condition of each patient. Some of them will only need to perform scaling and root planing once or twice a year. while others may need to undergo it every quarter.

Can I brush my teeth after scaling?

Dentists recommend that patients avoid brushing the treated area for at least 12 hours. After this period, patients must resume regular brushing and flossing.

Can tartar come back after scaling?

It’s certain that after the scaling and planing procedures, the tartar, plaque, and bacteria will be completely removed from your teeth. However, tartar can return after scaling because tooth scaling removes tartar buildup from your teeth, but it doesn't prevent its recurrence.

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