Full Mouth Rehabilitation

What is Full Mouth Rehabilitation?

Full mouth rehabilitation, which you might also hear referred to as full mouth reconstruction or full mouth restoration, is a restorative dental treatment designed to restore the aesthetics, health, and functionality of a patient's entire mouth. This treatment is often recommended for individuals who suffer from several dental issues, and often have to experience considerable discomfort in their day-to-day lives.

Full mouth rehabilitation treatments will include several dental procedures such as:

  • Fillings
  • Dental implants
  • Bridges
  • Root canal procedures
  • Crowns

What are the benefits of full mouth rehabilitation?

  • Straightens your teeth
  • Addresses and heals gum diseases
  • Helps relieve headaches and migraines
  • Restores your smile and improves your oral health.
  • Prevent dangerous health problems like heart disease and stroke.
  • Boosts self-confidence
Full mouth rehabilitation, before and after

Potential risks and complications?

As with any dental procedure, full mouth rehabilitation carries potential risks, including:

  • Increased tooth sensitivity to hot and cold foods.
  • Risk of tooth decay and gum disease if dental crowns or implants become loose.
  • Possible breakage of dental crowns, implants, or other artificial teeth.
  • Allergic reactions to materials used during the procedure.

What are the procedures involved in a Full Mouth Rehabilitation?

It shouldn’t be a shock to hear that a full mouth reconstruction would require too much time and effort to perform it, especially if the teeth are severely damaged.

Firstly, you’ll need to book your appointment (you can do it at Al Siraj by just clicking here) so that your dentist will evaluate your case and establish a tailored treatment plan that will cover the necessary information needed to restore your natural smile.

Once the treatment plan is completed, your dentist will proceed with the following steps:

  • Dental cleaning to remove plaque and tartar buildup.
  • X-rays to assess the underlying structures of your teeth and jaw.
  • Necessary preparatory procedures such as fillings or crowns.
  • Reshaping of gum tissue to ensure optimal aesthetics and function.
  • Tooth whitening to enhance the brightness of your smile.
  • Installation of prosthetic devices such as bridges, implants, or dentures.

It's important to note that these steps will ultimately differ from one person to another.

As we stated earlier on this page, the end goal of this procedure is to restore the original function of your mouth, so the dental treatment that could be required are: Dental crowns and bridges, dentures, tooth whitening, veneers, root canals, dental implants ..etc

Aftercare instructions after a full mouth rehabilitation

You’ve performed a full mouth rehabilitation and your natural smile is restored. Congratulations. You're not done yet.

Needless to say that after the procedure, it's crucial to adhere to postoperative care to ensure long-lasting results. This includes implementing essential oral hygiene practices such as:

  • Scheduling regular dental checkups.
  • Undergoing professional cleanings to maintain the cleanliness of your teeth and gums.
  • Performing periodic dental X-rays.
  • Brushing and flossing the teeth twice a day.
  • Taking any prescribed medications as directed by your dentist.
  • Avoiding chewing on hard foods to prevent damage to your restored teeth.

Full mouth rehabilitation in Qatar

Now we can safely say that we have told you as much about full mouth rehabilitation as you should know before you perform it.

But have you wondered which medical center in Doha, Qatar, you should choose for this procedure? Well, you no longer need to worry about this, because you’ve just landed on their website.

Look no further, as you’re one click away to book your appointment at the best medical center in Qatar. Do you still have a ton of doubts and questions about this? Give us a call at +974 44493666.

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الأسئلة الأكثر شيوعاً

When is full mouth rehabilitation needed?

Full mouth rehabilitation is needed when the individual is suffering from dental problems such as Missing teeth, broken, cracked, or chipped teeth, severe gum disease, Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) disorders …etc

How much does full rehabilitation cost in Qatar?

Full mouth rehabilitation is needed when the individual is suffering from dental problems such as Missing teeth, broken, cracked, or chipped teeth, severe gum disease, Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) disorders …etc

What is the difference between a smile makeover and a full mouth rehabilitation?

The main difference lies in the fact that a smile makeover might require just one tooth to be changed in some cases, while a full-mouth reconstruction almost always involves multiple teeth and also addresses their alignment and functionality.

Does full mouth rehabilitation relieve the jaw?

Yes, full mouth rehabilitation can potentially provide relief for jaw-related issues, particularly if the jaw problems are associated with dental issues such as misaligned teeth, bite problems, or temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorders.

Is full mouth rehabilitation painful?

Full mouth rehabilitation itself is not inherently painful, so you do not feel any pain during the process. There may be some pain and swelling in the following few days, but this can be controlled with non-narcotic pain relievers.

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